Quotes on the Bible from Famous People
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Statements from Famous Personalities Concerning the BibleStatements from Famous Personalities Concerning the Bible
Harold WillmingtonLiberty University, hwillmington@liberty.edu
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Willmington, Harold, "Statements from Famous Personalities Concerning the Bible" (2018).
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I. United States Presidents
A. George Washington (First) – “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without the
B. John Adams (Second) – “The Bible is the best book in the world. It contains more ...than
all the libraries I have seen.”
C. Thomas Jefferson (Third) – “The Bible makes the best people in the world.”
D. John Quincy Adams (Sixth) – “It is an invaluable and inexhaustible mine of knowledge
and virtue.”
E. Andrew Jackson (Seventh) –“That book, sir, is the rock on which our Republic rests.”
F. Zachary Taylor (Twelfth) – “It was for the love of the truths of this great book that our
fathers abandoned their native shore for the wilderness.”
G. Abraham Lincoln (Sixteenth) – “But for this Book we could not know right from wrong. I
believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man.”
H. Ulysses S. Grant (Eighteenth) – “The Bible is the Anchor of our liberties.”
I. Rutherford B. Hayes (Nineteenth) – “The best religion the world has ever known is the
religion of the Bible. It builds up all that is good.”
J. Benjamin Harrison (Twenty-third) – “It is out of the Word of God that a system has come
to make life sweet.”
K. William McKinley (Twenty-fifth) – “The more profoundly we study this wonderful
Book... the better citizens we will become.”
L. Theodore Roosevelt (Twenty-sixth) – “No educated man can afford to be ignorant of the
M. Woodrow Wilson (Twenty-eighth) – “The Bible is the one supreme source of revelation
of the meaning of life.”
N. Herbert Hoover (Thirty-first) – “The whole of the inspirations of our civilization springs
from the teachings of Christ... to read the Bible... is a necessity of American life.”
O. Franklin D. Roosevelt (Thirty-second) –“It is a fountain of strength. I feel that a
comprehensive study of the Bible is a liberal education for anyone.”
P. Dwight D. Eisenhower (Thirty-fourth) – “In the highest sense the Bible is to us the unique
repository of eternal spiritual truths.”
II. World Leaders
A. William Gladstone – “I have known 95 great men of the world in my time, and of these,
87 were followers of the Bible.”
B. Winston Churchill – “We rest with assurance upon the impregnable rock of Holy
C. Chiang Kai-Shek – “The Bible is the voice of the Holy Spirit.”
D. Haile Selassie – “The Bible is not only a great book of historical reference, but it also is a
guide for daily life, and for this reason I respect it and I love it.”
E. Syngman Rhee – “Fellow prisoners held the Bible and turned the pages for me because
my fingers were so crushed that I could not use them. I read the Bible, and I have read it
the rest of my life.”
III. Military Men
A. Douglas MacArthur – “Believe me, sir, never a night goes by, be I ever so tired, but I read
the Word of God before I go to bed.”
B. William K. Harrison –“The Bible is the Word of God, given by His inspiration for our use
and benefit.”
C. Robert E. Lee –“The Bible is a book in comparison with which all others in my eyes are of
minor importance, and in which in all my perplexities and distresses has never failed to
give me light and strength.”
D. Stonewall Jackson –“God’s promises change not... let us endeavor to adorn the doctrine
of Christ in all things.”
E. Oliver Cromwell (upon hearing Phil. 4:11-13 read as he lay dying) –“He that was Paul’s
Christ is my Christ too.”
IV. Scientists
A. Sir Isaac Newton –“We account the Scriptures of God to be the most sublime philosophy.
I find more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane history
B. Sir Francis Bacon –“The volume of Scriptures... reveal the will of God.”
C. Sir John Herschel –“All human discoveries seem to be made only for the purpose of
confirming more and more strongly the truths come from on high and contained in the
sacred writings.”
D. Michael Faraday – “Why will people go astray when they have this blessed Book to
guide them?”
E. James Dwight Dana – “Young men, as you go forth, remember that I, an old man, who
has known only science all his life, say unto you that there is no truer facts than the facts
found within the Holy Scriptures.”
V. Historians
A. Arnold J. Toynbee –“It pierces through the Intellect and plays directly upon the heart.”
B. H. G. Wells – “The Bible has been the Book that held together the fabric of Western
civilization.... The civilization we possess could not come into existence and could not
have been sustained without it.”
C. Thomas Carlyle –“A Noble book! All men’s book!... grand in its sincerity, in its
simplicity, and in its epic melody.”
VI. Physicians
A. Mark Hopkins – “Thus we have every conceivable species of historical proof, both
external and internal. Thus do the very stones cry out.”
B. Charles W. Mayo –“In sickness or in health, one can find comfort and constructive advice
in the Bible.”
VII. Lawyers
A. Daniel Webster – “I believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the will
and the Word of God.”
B. Benjamin Franklin – “Young men, my advice to you is that you cultivate an acquaintance
with, and a firm belief in, the Holy Scriptures.”
C. Patrick Henry – “This is a Book worth more than all the others that were ever printed.”
VIII. Educators
A. Timothy Dwight –“The Bible is a window in this prison world through which we may
look into eternity.”
B. William Lyon Phelps –“Everyone who has a thorough knowledge of the Bible may truly
be called educated.... I believe knowledge of the Bible without a college course is more
valuable than a college course without the Bible.”
C. Henry Van Dyke – “No other book in the world has had such a strange vitality, such an
outgoing power of influence and inspiration.... No man is poor or desolate who has this
treasure for his own.”
IX. Philosophers and Writers
A. Charles Dana –“Of all the books, the most indispensable and the most useful, the one
whose knowledge is the most effective, is the Bible.”
B. Horace Greeley – “It is impossible to mentally or socially enslave a Bible-reading people.”
C. Immanuel Kant –“The existence of the Bible as a book for the people is the greatest
benefit which the human race has ever experienced.”
D. John Locke – “It has God for its Author, salvation for its end, and truth, without any
mixture of error, for its matter: it is all pure, sincere, nothing too much, nothing wanting.”
E. Count Leo Tolstoy –“Without the Bible the education of a child in the present state of
society is impossible.”
F. John Ruskin –“All I have taught in art, everything I have written, whatever greatness
there has been in any thought of mine, whatever I have done in my life, has simply been
due to the fact that, when I was a child, my mother daily read with me a part of the Bible,
and daily made me learn a part of it by heart.”
G. John Milton –“There are no songs like the songs of the Scriptures, no orations like the
orations of the prophets.”
H. William Cowper –“A Glory gilds the sacred page, Majestic like the sun: It gives a light to
every age – It gives, but borrows none.”
I. John Dryden – “It speaks no less than God in every line; Commanding words whose
force is still the same.”
J. Sir Walter Scott –“Within this awful volume lies the Mystery of mysteries.”
K. Charles Dickens –“It is the best Book that ever was or ever will be in the world.”
X. Various Fields
A. J. Edgar Hoover – “The Bible is the unfailing guide which points the way for men to the
perfect life.”
B. Bernard Baruch –“I have always placed the Bible as number one among the four books I
think everyone should read and study. Therein one will find all the problems that beset
C. Helen Keller – “In the Bible I find a confidence mightier than the utmost evil.”
D. Lowell Thomas –“The Bible is of vital importance in teaching freedom.”
E. King George V – “The English Bible is... the most valuable thing that this world affords.”
XI. From the Church Fathers
A. Augustine – “Let us give in and yield our assent to the authority of Holy Scripture,
which knows not how either to be deceived or to deceive.”
B. John Chrysostom – “It is a great thing, this reading of the Scriptures! For it is not
everything he does” (James 1:23-25, TLB).
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