Richard Booker Quote on the Blood of Jesus

God’s people are His body on the earth. His Spirit lives in those who are in blood covenant with Him. Spiritually speaking, the Spirit of God gives us a blood transfusion replacing our corrupt, human life-blood with the divine life-blood of Jesus. He is in us and we are in Him. However, if we pump His blood out of us, we will become spiritually weak and spiritually dead. We all know that the corporate church of Jesus in the West is weak, anemic, and sickly. Many ministers have pumped His blood out of their sermons and given us a transfusion of entertainment—feel-good and self-help sermons that have no power in them. As a result, much of the organized church in the West is near death. The only thing that will revive the people of God is to spiritually pump the blood of Jesus back into our lives. A transfusion and revelation of His blood will empower us to godly living that will change our lives and the lives of those around us. It is the only thing that will save the Western church and Western civilization from certain spiritual death. - Richard Booker, "The Miracle of the Scarlet Thread"

I highly recommend Richard Booker's wonderful book! You can purchase it from Amazon at this link:



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