

 I have posted several articles to this site on the Blood of Jesus Christ and the necessity of trusting in it for the remission and forgiveness of sins. But this bears repeating! It can never be stressed strongly enough, especially when most churches have turned away from preaching THE BLOOD and embraced some form of the modern Bloodless Gospel, which is powerless to save. If you have been told that you can be saved by: Reciting a typical sinner's prayer Following the Romans Road to Salvation Following the ABC's of Salvation Asking the Lord into your heart Calling on the Name of the Lord Repenting of or confessing your sins ...Or by any other method than TRUSTING IN THE BLOOD, then you have been lied to, as well-meaning as your church or your pastor or your friend or family member may be.  I will keep this post short and to the point. The simple, scriptural fact is that... THERE IS NO SALVATION OUTSIDE OF FAITH AND TRUST IN THE PRECIOUS SHED BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST! If you are no

THE BEST NEWS EVER!!! -- The Gospel of Jesus Christ

  My plan for this post is to share the story of my struggles with issues of faith over the years, and to present the BEST NEWS EVER -- The Gospel of Jesus Christ in the clearest way I can, with the help of God's beautiful Holy Spirit. I grew up in the United Methodist church, but at the age of ten, I asked my parents if I could stop attending because I didn't believe what they were teaching. My parents agreed, and so for a few years I did not attend church or think much about religion. I was busy just being a kid. But in my early teens, I did return to church for their Confirmation process, and I don't recall why I did so given that I didn't share their beliefs. But after Confirmation, that was the end of it for a few years. In 1980, we moved across town and I met the neighbors across the street, Bob and Roxanne. They were devout fundamentalist Christians, and I enjoyed having many conversations with them about the Christian faith. I attended church with them a few tim

The Blood & The Rapture

    This post is going to be a study of the New Testament Scriptures about the Blood of Jesus Christ and the rapture of the Church, when each are mentioned in the given book. Jesus purchased our salvation with His precious shed Blood, and we are saved when we put our full faith and trust in His Blood for the remission and forgiveness of our sins.   MATTHEW  THE BLOOD For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. (Matthew 26:28)   THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH AND THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST   And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. 2  And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. 3  And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy

Rapture 2024 Brain Dump

 I'm planning on this post being a free-flowing brain dump of events that are going on in the world right now that, to me at least, strongly indicate that the rapture event is going to occur in the very near future. I'm honestly looking hard at the next two weeks or so, so early to mid-June. I truly do believe that we are that close to going Home to be with our beautiful Lord, Jesus Christ, literally forever!! These are, in no particular order, the reasons why I believe that we are extremely close to the rapture event actually taking place: Wild weather events taking place all over the world An unusually active Atlantic Hurricane season has been predicted for this year Earthquake activity is increasing and quakes are occurring all over the world in various places There are wars and rumors of wars, with threats of nuclear war abounding China has declared that they will be invading Taiwan in early June, and God has shown several people that when that event occurs, the rapture wil

Rapture 2024 Update: May 27th

These are the latest video rapture-related updates for May 27, 2024.   This is the latest from Watchwoman 65. This is from Don Stewart, his first update of the day. This is the latest daily video from Brother Tom at Watchman River. I will update this post later today if more content becomes available. I subscribe to many channels, but of course I am not aware of all of them. If you think I should be including someone, please let me know in the comments section! Thanks! :)

Rapture 2024 Update: May 26th

 This is the first in a series of daily updates I plan to do on this site. I will be posting videos from several different YouTube channels daily on the subject of the upcoming very soon rapture of the Church.  This is from Don Stewart. He usually posts news updates twice daily.  This is from Lisa Boyce, Watchwoman 65. She usually does at least one update daily. This is from Gigi at Blue Heaven. She usually posts a few updates per week. This is from Ricardo Garcia. He posts updates occasionally.

Rapture and Tribulation 2024

    I have been watching and waiting for the event Christians call the rapture of the Church since the Revelation 12 Sign appeared in the skies on September 23, 2017.   I believe that the Revelation 12 Sign marked the beginning of a seven year countdown to the end of the Church Age (the Age of Grace) and the beginning of the Tribulation period spoken of in the Book of Daniel. For more on the Revelation 12 Sign, please feel free to explore the subject at this link: There have been many predictions of the End of the World made over the last 2000 years, but none had any chance of being correct until Israel became a nation again on May 14, 1948. That incredible miraculous event, which was a fulfillment of Isaiah 66:8, officially began the End Times, and the countdown to the rapture and the beginning of the Tribulation period officially began.    Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day