Rapture 2024 Brain Dump

 I'm planning on this post being a free-flowing brain dump of events that are going on in the world right now that, to me at least, strongly indicate that the rapture event is going to occur in the very near future. I'm honestly looking hard at the next two weeks or so, so early to mid-June. I truly do believe that we are that close to going Home to be with our beautiful Lord, Jesus Christ, literally forever!!

These are, in no particular order, the reasons why I believe that we are extremely close to the rapture event actually taking place:

  • Wild weather events taking place all over the world
  • An unusually active Atlantic Hurricane season has been predicted for this year
  • Earthquake activity is increasing and quakes are occurring all over the world in various places
  • There are wars and rumors of wars, with threats of nuclear war abounding
  • China has declared that they will be invading Taiwan in early June, and God has shown several people that when that event occurs, the rapture will happen
  • Countries all over the world are testing digital currencies, and a worldwide digital currency could be available very soon
  • World War III has begun, although as of this writing, it has not been officially declared. But China will soon invade Taiwan, Russia and Ukraine are at war and the USA and several European countries have given Ukraine the green light to attack Russia with their weapons, and that includes nuclear-capable planes. Russia has emphasized that they are not bluffing about using nuclear weapons. North Korea is escalating tensions with South Korea, and Israel I believe is currently fighting the Psalm 83 War with Hamas and Hezbollah. 
  • Antisemitism is rising rapidly all over the world
  • The entire world has turned against Israel, just as was prophesied in the Bible
  • Jerusalem has become a cup of trembling for the whole world, just as was prophesied in the Bible
  • Lawlessness is abounding all over the world. Violence, rioting, protests, and civil unrest are occurring all over the world 
  • The Bible and the Christian faith have come under increasingly strident attacks
  • Here in the USA, vocal atheists have gotten God and prayer removed from our schools and the public square, which precipitated an astonishingly rapid and unprecedented moral decline
  • Satanism, I understand, is the fastest growing religion in America and possibly the world
  • While I don't believe it will occur before the rapture event, the stage is being set for the Ezekiel 38/39 Gog-Magog war
  • Everything is set for the building of a Third Temple in Jerusalem, including red heifers for sacrifice. All that is needed now is the green light to begin construction. 
  • Many people all over the world are having rapture dreams, which was prophesied in the Book of Joel
  • I understand that there is a super volcano in Italy that is showing signs of a possible eruption, and there are also concerns about the super volcano in Yellowstone Park in the USA
  • A volcanic eruption is currently taking place in Iceland 
  • Homosexuality, which the Bible clearly defines and condemns as a very serious sin, has been legalized in several countries around the world including the USA, and Christians who rightly object to the legalization and celebration of a serious sin are hated, persecuted, and labeled as ignorant bigots. The same goes for transgenderism. Some churches, such as the United Methodists, now ordain openly gay clergy.
  • Jesus said that the world would be as it was in the Days of Noah shortly before His return...and we are there. The world is a cesspool of violence and lawlessness and rampant sin. 
  • The world is on track for the runaway inflation that will be present during the Tribulation period. 
  • Animals are behaving strangely all over the world, and no one is sure why
  • There are signs in the sun, moon, and stars just as the Bible predicted
  • The Revelation 12 Sign appeared in the skies on September 23, 2017 and I believe it began a seven year countdown to the rapture event
  • Two solar eclipses seven years apart marked a giant X over the USA, and America is rapidly declining on the world stage and it is not a part of End Times Bible prophecy

I'm sure that there are dozens if not hundreds more reasons that I could mention if my tired brain could think of them right now. I invite you to add your own reasons that the rapture is about to happen in the comments section!

The following videos are current as of this May 31, 2024 writing. I believe that the information contained in them shows just how very close we are to the rapture event and the beginning of the Tribulation period.


 There are many more videos that I could post, but I think these are enough for now. 

I truly do believe that we are very possibly just days away from seeing the Lord Jesus Christ in all of His power and beauty and majesty and glory and infinite holiness! But at most I think we are just weeks away. The world is on the brink of World War III if not already in it, and the signs and the birth pains are off the charts! Come quickly, Lord Jesus! Maranatha!


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